Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Oscars

I have never been a fan of awards shows, unless of course we are referring to Dog Shows because THAT is a WHOLE other joy . . . and although I have not always been able to express why I have such disdain for these shows, it seems that Jerry Seinfeld has come close.

I have viewed only two of the movies that were up for best picture, and I can say that Daniel Day-Lewis in There Will Be Blood was as perfect as I have ever witnessed in a role.

"Drainage! Drainage, Eli, you boy. Drained dry. I'm so sorry. Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, that's a straw, you see? You watching?. And my straw reaches acroooooooss the room, and starts to drink your milkshake... I... drink... your... milkshake! I drink it up!"


Russ said...

my new all time favorite movie quote...

Anonymous said...

I prefer "bastard in a basket..."; much more too the point, don't you think?

Also does anyone know when No Country for Old Men comes out in the video stores? Also Todd can I watch the Oscars at your house? lol


Anonymous said...

Oh man, I wrote too instead of to....geez! I need sleep.
